Brownsville, Vermont
Located at the northern base of Mt. Ascutney, a plutonic-volcanic monadnock (with 19th and 20th Century industrial forays in timber, granite, and Merino sheep), the town of West Windsor (approximately 25 square miles, base elevation 1,047, population 1,344) and its village of Brownsville sprawls out of a valley just a few miles west of The Connecticut River and the Windsor-Cornish Covered Bridge on acknowledged indigenous Abenaki land.
Many people enjoyed West Windsor long before the place was given this name. Abenaki called Mt. Ascutney Kaskadenak (Cas-cad-nak). Today, Brownsville hosts a hotel, ski area, biking and hiking trails, a town forest, a store, and is within commuting distance of Dartmouth College and DHMC medical facility.